On Bianca cluster


Bianca has no Internet! pip will not work!

Since we have mirrored conda repositories locally conda will work also on Bianca!

  • First try conda, as above.

  • If packages are not available, follow the guideline below, while looking at https://uppmax.uu.se/support-sv/user-guides/bianca-user-guide and https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/user-guides/transit-user-guide/.

  • Make an installation on Rackham and then use the wharf to copy it over to your directory on Bianca.

    • Path on Rackham and Bianca could be (~/.local/lib/python<version>/site-packages/ ).

  • You may have to:

    • in source directory:

      cp –a <package_dir> <wharf_mnt_path>
      • you may want to tar before copying to include all possible symbolic links:

        tar cfz <tarfile.tar.gz> <package>
    • and in target directory (wharf_mnt) on Bianca:

      tar xfz <tarfile.tar.gz> #if there is a tar file!
      mv –a  <file(s)> ~/.local/lib/python<version>/site-packages/